inistry of Finance (MOF) has resumed drafting a decree on the customs procedure for e-commerce goods by releasing a new draft (“Draft Decree”) to govern various issues on cross-border e-commerce. These issues include customs declarants, risk management, data processing, import permit exemption, import duty, customs valuation and the customs procedure. The Draft Decree focuses on the following issues: Owners of websites and applications providing e-commerce services, transportation enterprises, customs brokerage agents, bonded warehouse business enterprises,…
Baker McKenzie’s Global Customs Practice invites you to join us for a follow up webinar on “Trump and Tariffs: Section 232 Tariff Announcement, Reciprocal & Retaliatory Tariffs and More”This one-hour webinar will take place Thursday, 20 February 2025 at 10:00 CST / 11:00 EST / 17:00 CET.On February 10th President Trump announced that 25% tariffs will be imposed on all steel and aluminum products imported into the US from all countries, including Canada, Mexico, the EU and UK, which were previously subject…
Baker McKenzie’s Trade, Sanctions, and Customs Practice is pleased to invite you to our 2025 Global Trade and Customs Webinar Series. This series includes a variety of sessions spread throughout the year, addressing the latest developments in trade and customs compliance.In these sessions, our panel of international experts will cover key trends and topics in both outbound and inbound trade and customs, which will be top of mind for businesses in 2025. Topics include: We will…
On 23 April 2024, the European Parliament approved the proposal of the EU Forced Labour Regulation (“Regulation“). The text of the Regulation was approved on first reading with 555 votes in favour, 6 against, and 45 abstentions. The officially adopted text can be found here. Under the Regulation, all products (including their components) manufactured using forced labour or placed and made available on the market in the EU, or exported from the EU will be banned.…
The Government of Canada presented its 2024 Federal Budget on April 16, which provides insight into the current administration’s trade-related domestic and foreign policy goals over the next five years. This includes a renewed commitment to eradicate forced and child labour from Canadian supply chains. Read more about it in this blog post issued by trade and supply chain experts in our Toronto office.
In keeping with tradition, we are pleased to invite you to our annual Global Year-End Review of Import/Export & Trade Compliance Developments Conference to be held between December 4-7. The conference will provide valuable insights on the latest developments, challenges and opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of international trade.We will kick off the conference with an in-person networking session and panel discussion on December 4 on the pressing topic of “Navigating Trade Compliance Amidst Geopolitical Disruptions…
Baker McKenzie’s Import and Trade Remedies blog recently published “Business consequences and recommendations on the tightened import ban on iron and steel imposed by the EU,” which can be found here.
Después de mucha expectativa desde la entrada en vigor del Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (“T-MEC”), el 17 de febrero de 2023, la Secretaría de Economía publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación un Acuerdo que establece las mercancías cuya importación está sujeta a regulación a cargo de la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (el “Acuerdo contra Trabajo Forzoso”), que prohíbe la importación de bienes producidos mediante trabajo forzoso. El Acuerdo…
US Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) updated its guidance related to the new Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA”) Region Alert, and announced that it will be deployed in the Automated Commercial Environment (“ACE”) on March 18, 2023. The deployment of the UFLPA Region Alert was delayed since it was first announced by CBP in 2022. The UFLPA Region Alert will add new validations to ACE in certain applications so that (i) a postal code…
The UK’s Plastic Packaging Tax (“PPT“) that has taken effect on 1 April 2022 and applies to plastic packaging in the UK that contains less than 30% recycled plastic content at a rate of £200 per metric tonne. You can access our recent webinar on PPT here. The tax is aimed at encouraging the use of more sustainable plastic packaging, increasing the use of recycled plastic and helping to reduce plastic waste. The PPT has been promoted…