
Reagan R. Demas


More evidence that U.S. courts are continuing to shift towards greater accountability for corporations (and associated individuals) for social harm in their supply chains. Although it is too early to declare the ATS raised from the dead, a slew of other statutes on the books and in the legislative pipeline impose growing obligations on companies to both report and prevent forced labor, trafficking and other human rights abuses in supply chains. Bottom line: companies with…

The 2020 Global Trade and Supply Chain Webinar Series offers a number of opportunities to hear experts from the around the world address the latest trends on today’s key issues in global supply chain compliance.  Excellent opportunities to ensure you are up to date on the ever-changing landscape involving trade wars, sanctions, and customs regimes and the impact on supply chains. DateTopic Tuesday, January 28US, Brazil, EU China Trade Policy and FTA Update plus Brexit Speakers: Stu Seidel…