Baker McKenzie’s Trade, Sanctions, and Customs Practice is pleased to invite you to our 2025 Global Trade and Customs Webinar Series. This series includes a variety of sessions spread throughout the year, addressing the latest developments in trade and customs compliance.
In these sessions, our panel of international experts will cover key trends and topics in both outbound and inbound trade and customs, which will be top of mind for businesses in 2025. Topics include:

  • Trade under the incoming Trump Administration
  • Sanctions and export control investigations and enforcement trends
  • Customs hot topics around the world for 2025
  • Import VAT/GST insights and best practices
  • Antidumping and countervailing procedures across regions

We will be using Zoom as the presenting platform for hosting this complimentary webinar series.  To register or view upcoming dates and topics, click here. Note that you can also register for one or all webinars should you wish to.

We hope that will be able to join us for our sessions in this webinar series throughout 2025!


Adriana has over twenty years of experience in customs and foreign trade matters. She joined Baker McKenzie in 2001, became National Partner in 2005 and a Principal in 2018. She has prior experience working as legal director of Rules of Origin, Customs Procedures and Safeguards in the Mexican Ministry of Economy where she participated in the negotiation of several free trade agreements (FTAs) and in the first dispute settlement resolution cases initiated by Mexico against the US under the NAFTA.


Sylwia Lis is a member of the Firm's International Trade Practice Group


Jennifer Revis is a partner in the EU Competition and Trade Practice Group of Baker McKenzie's London office. She is acknowledged for her timely advice and responsiveness by the Legal 500. Jennifer has been on secondment to the UK customs authorities (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) in their tax and excise litigation department and to the Firm's European Law Centre in Brussels. Jennifer is frequently invited to speak at external conferences and regularly contributes articles to tax journals on customs matters such as De Voils Indirect Tax Journal.