23 Results



On April 13, the US Department of Defense (“DOD”) published a request for comments on the strategic and critical materials supply chain under the America’s Supply Chains Executive Order (the “Supply Chain EO”) that President Biden signed on February 24, 2021. (See our blog post on the Supply Chain EO for more background.) Strategic and critical materials, which include rare earth elements and other minerals and metals used in laptops, cell phones, and other technologies,…

On February 24, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains (the “Supply Chain EO”) ordering federal agencies to identify vulnerabilities in key US supply chains and develop policy recommendations to make those supply chains more resilient, diverse, and secure. In his remarks prior to signing the Supply Chain EO, President Biden presented the review as a strategic initiative that will complement shorter-term efforts to address recent shortfalls in semiconductor supplies, and…

When multiple industry groups join efforts to push back on regulations proposed by the US Department of Commerce (“Commerce”), it likely means two things: first, the topic is highly relevant to many US businesses, and second, the proposed regulations need further refining. Many trade associations and businesses expressed concerns with the highly anticipated proposed regulations issued by Commerce on November 26, 2019 (“Proposed Regulations”) to implement Executive Order 13873, “Securing the Information and Communications Technology…