Many companies conduct audits of suppliers for compliance with applicable laws, including laws regulating forced labor, trafficking, underage labor, worker safety, and related human rights matters. But what are the key legal considerations in conducting supplier compliance audits, and what is the best practice for doing so?
What factors should companies consider in conducting compliance audits of supply chain partners?

Reagan Demas has significant experience working on behalf of companies and investors in emerging markets and high risk jurisdictions. He has managed major legal compliance investigations for a variety of Fortune 500 companies and negotiated settlements before the US Department of Justice, US Securities and Exchange Commission, and other federal and state regulatory entities, obtaining declinations in a number of matters. He has also conducted risk assessments and due diligence in a variety of legal compliance matters for companies across industries, and has worked on the ground evaluating partnerships, investments and other business opportunities worldwide. Reagan has written and spoken extensively on corruption, business ethics, human rights-related legal obligations and emerging regulatory regimes.