
January 2020


The 2020 Global Trade and Supply Chain Webinar Series offers a number of opportunities to hear experts from the around the world address the latest trends on today’s key issues in global supply chain compliance.  Excellent opportunities to ensure you are up to date on the ever-changing landscape involving trade wars, sanctions, and customs regimes and the impact on supply chains. DateTopic Tuesday, January 28US, Brazil, EU China Trade Policy and FTA Update plus Brexit Speakers: Stu Seidel…

When companies and compliance departments think about US sanctions and export control risks, they often focus on sales to customers and exports/reexports from one country to another. In that context, the attention is typically on confirming that a customer and other parties involved in a sale and shipment are not restricted parties and that the transfer of a product is authorized under applicable export-control regulations. This is only half the story. Companies can have similar…

Although the SEC currently does not require public companies to disclose any environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) information, including human rights issues and labor practices, historically, Congress mandated additional disclosures due to public policy considerations. On July 11, 2019, a discussion draft of the Corporate Human Rights Risk Assessment, Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2019 (“CHRRA Act”) was introduced at a hearing of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets. The…

Introducing the Liechtenstein Initiative’s “Blueprint for Mobilizing Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking” Two centuries ago, Financial Services Actors (FSAs) have played a crucial role in both enabling and ending slavery. Transatlantic slave trade could not have existed without the support of the financial sector, as it was very capital- and credit-intensive. FSAs had developed many instruments such as securitized slave-backed mortgages, from which they made a lot of money. However, the sector’s role changed drastically…